2015 marks the 75th year for the Mining Association of Manitoba

2015 marked the 75th year that the Mining Association has been the voice of the industry in Manitoba!

Mining Association of Manitoba highlights:

  • Updated our association by-laws.
  • Integrated the Mines Accident Prevention Association of Manitoba (MAPAM) into the Mining Association, forging a tighter connection to the operating mining industry in Manitoba.
  • Produced an annual report, illustrating the history of MAPAM.
  • Continued participation for the Minister’s Mining Advisory Council.
  • Welcomed a new executive vice president, Tim Friesen.
  • Held our 54th successful annual provincial mine rescue competition.
  • Published the 2015 Guidelines for mineral exploration in Manitoba.
  • Developed the Aboriginal Engagement Handbook: A handbook for proponents of mineral exploration and mining in Manitoba (to be published in 2016).
  • Improved presence at the 2015 Manitoba Minerals and Mining Convention.
  • Released the infographic: Mining is a crucial industry for Manitoba.
  • Contributed to media on the mining industry.
  • Revised our strategic plan for 2016-2019.

 Just a reminder, The Manitoba Mining Association has 5 committees open to their membership: Aboriginal relations, safety, exploration, environment and taxation.