Exploration Discovered Study

We are excited to announce the completion of phase 1 of the Exploration Discovered study, an initiative aimed at bringing the various facets of Manitoba’s mineral exploration sector to light. The project aimed to achieve:

  • Provincial Economic Impact Assessment: Explore the economic impact and opportunities along the mineral exploration value chain within the province.
  • Vendor Landscape Understanding: Gain insights into the diverse vendors supporting the mineral exploration sector and their geographic distribution by municipality.
  • Indigenous Vendor Promotion: Showcase and promote Indigenous vendors actively participating in Manitoba’s mineral exploration supply chain.
  • Scenario-based Economic Impact: Identify the potential economic impact on Manitoba based on an expanded mineral exploration sector scenario.
  • Community Investments/Partnerships: Report on the different types of community investments and partnerships made across the province by mineral exploration companies.

To contribute to the success of Exploration Discovered, MPDA conducted a survey with members and vendors to collect Indigenous-affiliated participation and procurement-related data covering themes related to social progress contributions and climate innovation. The gathered data was both to inform the study and be used to create engaging content, fostering a connection between Manitobans and the mineral exploration sector. The data collected was reported in aggregate only, and kept confidential, in accordance with the confidentiality agreement between MPDA and iTOTEM Analytics, our data partner for this project.


Click the link below to read the final report from May 2024 for the Exploration Discovered Study:

MPDA – Exploration Discovered Final Report


The exploration Discovered study was generously sponsored by the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce’s Mineral Development Fund (MMDF) and the Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF).

For any questions or assistance contact:

iTOTEM Analytics:

Crystal Quocksister (Indigenous and Client Engagement Lead): crystal@itotem.ca

MaryAnn Mihychuk (President): mmihychuk@gmail.com