The following Manitoba Prospectors and Developers Association Inc. meetings will be held at Canad Inns Polo Park from 12 noon to 2 p.m. on Wednesday September 2, 2009:
- Directors meeting (anticipated 10 minutes) to amend MPDA’s By-Laws (see August 1 email to directors). Please note: A quorum of 6 directors are:
- Special meeting of members (anticipated 10 minutes) to sanction the amendments to the by-laws. The proposed amendments are:
ARTICLE 2.02 Amended to read “The seal shall be in the custody of the Corporation’s solicitor at Pullan Kammerloch Frohlinger, 300 – 240 Kennedy Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3C 1T1.”
ARTICLE XII Amended Article XII (attached}, which takes account of how we in fact conduct meetings.
- General meeting (anticipated to end at 2 p.m.). Regular monthly meeting, to deal with other matters.
George Nykulaik (Secretary) [email protected]
Below are the 2009 by-law amendments: