Elections are coming up

As many of you know, I (Ruth Bezys) will be stepping down as MPDA president after September. As well, George Nykulaik will step down as MPDA Secretary (thank you George for all of your hard work and commitment!). Our MPDA election will happen at the October meeting. I have had a few people step forward to sit on the executive. President, Vice President and Secretary will be open for nominations. Cliff Duke will stay on as Treasurer. Out of the three previous directors, I have had one wish to remain, therefore we may need two additional directors.

Members, please consider volunteering? We have had a great couple of years getting our voices heard and I feel we have succeeded. The push must remain to remind the government and public that mining is important. Please consider helping us!

Also, many of you who are reading this email have not paid a membership or have forgotten. With a new executive I cannot guarantee your name will remain on the my coveted “President’s list”. Please  – a membership is ONLY $20. It is crucial we get these memberships as our magazine revenue is down, again, this year. October and November are our membership drive months, so please renew your memberships!