The MPDA hosted a FREE Field trip to PADCOM’s potash mine and Gambler First Nation following GAC-MAC-PEG 2024 on May 23rd, 2024.

PADCOM (Potash & Agri Development Corporation of Manitoba) is the first and so far only Potash mine in Manitoba. It is a shining example of a true Business Partnership with the neighbouring Indigenous community Gambler First Nation. This field trip followed the Indigenous Engagement Session planned for at GAC-MAC-PEG 2024 featuring the PADCOM/Gambler story.

The trip was a 8-9 hour round trip from Brandon, with a tour bus departure at 9:15am from Brandon University. The cost of the trip was complementary, with a donation to the MPDA appreciated.

Co-chairs of the field trip were Michelle Nicolas (Chief Geologist with the Manitoba Geological Survey) and MaryAnn Mihychuk (MPDA President & recently retired geologist).


First stop: Arrived at Gambler First Nation from 11:30-1:00 for a brief history of the first nation and information on their businesses, and relationship/partnership with PADCOM by Chief David LeDoux, and lunch provided by Gambler FN.

Section Stop: Arrived at 1:30pm at PADCOM Potash mine in Harrowby Manitoba (west of Russell, MB) for a tour of the mine with a focus on the Polythermic Selective Solution Process and presentation by PADCOM President Daymon Guillas and key staff. Included discussion on the Indigenous partnership and revenue sharing agreements. Followed by a Q&A session, with departure back to Brandon at 3:45pm


MPDA also hosted a Special Session at GAC-MAC-PEG 2024:  Emerging Trends in Mineral Exploration

Description: The availability of minerals and metals catalyzes the development of modern society. There is increased demand for the vast diversity of metals and earth materials that are used for almost all household and industrial applications. This requires innovative modern exploration techniques that facilitate the discovery of recoverable deposits. This session will bring together industry and academics to highlight ongoing efforts to improve mineral exploration.


More information about GAC-MAC:

“The GAC-MAC Joint Annual Meeting, the premier annual geoscience conference in Canada over the last six decades, is organized by the Geological Association of Canada (GAC®), in concert with the Mineralogical Association of Canada (MAC). The two associations have long enjoyed a close relationship, and have united the Canadian earth sciences community annually at GAC-MAC, a formal gathering of the best geological minds in the country, to celebrate our achievements, discuss new findings and develop further relationships.”

Conference: May 19-22, 2024