Letter to the Manitoba Saskatchewan Prospectors and Developers Association

Steve Masson (MSPDA) passed on a letter (below) he received recently. It is addressed to the Manitoba Saskatchewan Prospectors and Developers Association from honourable Minister Carr, to members here in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and North Western Ontario.

Steve notes “we need to really push that the federal government maintain flow through funding if our mining industry is to have a future. Exploration because it is high risk, remains desperate for financing to make new discoveries and flow through funding in this economic climate remains the only real option. Our discovery rates for new ore bodies will continue to plummet without access to risk capital . Also the Manitoba Government must maintain their MEAP and prospectors grants if we are to keep a mining exploration climate in Manitoba that is attractive. The grants and super flow through are fiscally net neutral to government coffers and the provincial conservatives need to get their head around this.”

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