Project information package

Island Lake Mining Development Advisory Project

Purpose of the Project – To provide information and to educate the people of the four Island Lake communities of the impacts of mineral exploration and mining.

 Outcomes of the Project

Outcome #1   To enable the people of Island Lake communities to gain an understanding of mineral exploration, mining and any industrial activity related to natural resources, and which will assist in informed decisions regarding activities of Government and industry within our traditional territory.

Outcome #2   Assist the people of Island to negotiate a protocol agreement that will effectively establish a government-to-government relationship between the people of Island Lake, the Government of Canada, the Province of Manitoba and third party interests in the development of potential industrial assets that may be found within the traditional territory of the people of Island Lake.


Information to be provided:

–   A complete history of mineral exploration in Island Lake, including the names of the mineral exploration license holders right up to the latest year.

–   A complete inventory of the minerals identified as the result of mineral exploration.

–  A history of the two mines that developed drilling process ; Gold Island (Savage     Island) in 1931 and Ministik Mine (High Rock Island) 1985. Both were gold mines.

–     The whole process of mining starting from the prospecting phase to actual mining.

–   The beneficial/negative impacts of mineral exploration and mining on environment.

–   What laws and statutes govern natural resources in Island Lake? What part of the Province of Manitoba Mining Act applies to Island Lake? What other Provincial legislation applies or has effect over the traditional lands of the Island Lake people?

–   What is the Natural Resources Transfer Act (NRTA) and how does it apply to Island Lake?

–    Section 35 of the Constitution Act 1982 is the part of the Constitution Act that recognizes and affirms Aboriginal rights. How does apply to Island Lake?

–   Landmark Supreme Court of Canada decisions that affect Aboriginal Title and Treaty Rights such as the Tsilhqot’in Decision 2014.

–   What is Aboriginal Title? What is consultation and accommodation?

–    Experiences of other First Nations with mining – Six part series Ring of Fire.

–    Other information that may be requested by Chiefs and Councils, people from the communities and government departments/agencies and other third party interests (industry).

The Program

The Project will be administered through the Island Lake Tribal Council. The Project will contract a Regional Coordinator, an Elder/Knowledge Holder and four community members who will provide the information to the community through a scheduled program. This will be accomplished through:

  • Presentations over local radio and TV
  • Public Meetings
  • Presentations to community organizations(Health Directorate, Education Authority, etc)
  • School presentations (classrooms, career days, etc.)
  • Meetings with special interest groups (women’s groups, trappers/fishermen’s associations, etc.)
  • Posters, brochures and local newspapers
  • Social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Web and other sites e.g. Buy n’Sell sites, etc.

The Program will conduct a three day workshop to identify the schedule of program delivery. This is to guide the local community advisors as they develop the best method to effectively inform their community.

The Regional Coordinator will have the following responsibilities:

  • Insure that the local advisors have access to the necessary resources to provide the proper information to their respective community members.
  • Liaise between the Island Lake Tribal Council, Chiefs and Councils, community members, the Province of Manitoba, Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada and third party interests.
  • On an ongoing basis, conduct research on programs and initiatives that will assist the Island Lake communities to realize the greatest benefits from all economic opportunities that may arise.
  • Oversee the project in a manner that will ensure that the realization of the goals of this project.
  • Oversee the project in a manner that will ensure that the best interests of the people of Island Lake are first priority.

The Elder/Knowledge Holder will have the following responsibilities:

  • Provide program support and advice to the local advisors and the Regional Coordinator.
  • Liaise between the Project staff, the Island Lake Tribal Council, the Chiefs and Councils and the Elders in each community.

The Local Advisors will have the following responsibilities:

  • Provide information to the people in the community according to the schedule as developed.


Island Lake Mining Development Advisory Program


Local Mining Development Advisors Workshop


Length of Workshop – Three Days (May 10, 11, 12, 2016)


Purpose of Workshop – To provide to the local community advisors and portfolio Council with information and materials to effectively inform and educate the community membership with regard to  the impacts of mineral exploration and mining in general.


Day 1    9-12   Orientation to the Local Mining Development Program

–  What are the goals and objectives?

–   What is the value of this information program

–   What will be the expected outcomes?


1pm        Province of Manitoba Mining Act – sections that are relevant to Island Lake

2pm        Natural Resources Transfer Act – sections that are relevant to Island Lake

3 – 5        Presentations by the following:

Tim Friesen – Mining Association of Manitoba

Ruth Bezys – Manitoba Prospector and Developers Association

Glenn Sanderson – First Nation Mining Economic Development Program

Michael Anderson – MKO Natural Resources Secretariat


Day 2   Michael Jerch – Jerch Law & Associates

  • Section 35 – Constitution Act of Canada
  • Aboriginal Title, Aboriginal Sovereignty and Inherent Right to Land
  • Aboriginal Territory and the Treaties
  • Consultation and Accommodation
  • Supreme Court of Canada decisions and their impacts on rights to traditional territories


Day 3   Schedule of Information to the Community

  • Broadcast presentations out on local tv/radio
  • Schedule presentations at public meetings, community organizations, schools.
  • Brochures/pamphlets, posters
  • Six part series – Ring of Fire to be broadcast out to the communities
  • Other information on experiences of mining with other indigenous groups, e.g. The Real Avatar – The Nature of Things


Please Note: This workshop agenda is open to amendment and revision as other relevant information becomes available.