Province confirms discovery of diamonds in northeast Manitoba prospecting reports 

Hello members,

Here is the latest news release from the Manitoba Government about the recent diamond discovery (bedrock hosted) in NE Manitoba by the Lynx Consortium who are made up of three MPDA members: Mark Fedikow, John Lee and Harold Westdal and Albertan Robin Day. Their involvement with the MGS (Manitoba Geological Survey) were instrumental in making this happen, especially Scott Anderson.

Congratulations to all of them! (PS to members: PLEASE use our survey folk – that is what they are there for – for positive successes like this!)

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Written by: Cullen

Source: Manitoba 

Discovery adds to optimism over Province’s considerable mining potential 

The Manitoba government has received mineral prospecting reports confirming the existence of diamond mining potential in areas of northeast Manitoba, Growth, Enterprise and Trade Minister Cliff Cullen confirmed today.

 “Manitoba’s mining industry has consistently demonstrated considerable geological prospects,” said Cullen.  “Our government has taken the necessary steps to implement a long-term vision for sustainable growth and attraction of investment, and we are working toward the completion of a renewed Duty to Consult framework which will foster a positive relationship between the Crown and indigenous peoples.”

Mining currently contributes about $1.5 billion (2.7 per cent) to the provincial GDP and contributes approximately 3,200 jobs in the province, the minister said.  This historic discovery builds upon the increased optimism reported by the Fraser Institute regarding the mining sector’s view of mining potential within Manitoba, he added.

Through the work of Manitoba Geological Survey geologists and their industry partners, Lynx Consortium, diamonds have been discovered in northeast Manitoba for the first time in the province’s history.  This preliminary prospecting does not assure mining development, but rather confirms the potential for a certain mineral exists in the geological area, Cullen said.

Additionally, the Fraser Institute’s 2016 Annual Survey of Mining Companies recognized Manitoba as the second-most attractive jurisdiction in the world for mining investment.  This is a drastic rise in international rankings, with Manitoba rising from a ranking of 19th on the same list in 2015, the minister noted.  Criteria included geological attractiveness based on mining potential and public policy factors such as taxation and regulation of the industry.

“The world’s mining sector is taking notice of Manitoba’s mineral resource potential and our business and investment-friendly environment,” said Cullen.  “Our government is very pleased by these recent developments and will continue to create the welcoming conditions necessary for the attraction of investment in our mineral resources.”

Cullen is currently attending the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada 2017 International Convention in Toronto, representing Manitoba in discussions focused on opportunities for growth and expansion in the mineral resources sector.