Corporate Membership Benefits
Your Corporate Membership gives MPDA a stronger voice to shape and influence mineral exploration and development policy in Manitoba. MPDA Corporate Membership provides opportunities to promote your organization and connect with the broader MPDA community through events, networking, programs, and publications.
1-3 …………………..$200…….2 Individuals
4-10………………….$250…….2 Individuals
11-15………………..$300……..3 Individuals
16-50……………….$500……..5 Individuals
51+…………………..$1,000….10 Individuals
Please email the names, emails and cell numbers of individuals that would receive information and benefits from your corporate membership. Transfer is accommodated.
Your Individual MPDA Membership connects you with Manitoba’s largest exploration and development community and provides opportunities to shape the issues impacting mineral exploration and development in our province.
Supporter Membership
Receive all the benefits of a corporate membership, no matter your company size. In a rapidly changing global environment, an MPDA Supporter membership keeps you connected. Our valuable member benefits will help you promote your organization and while supporting and influencing the future of the Mineral exploration and development industry.